To answer some questions before:
1. What does scripting do?
You can spawn every vehicle, weapons, animals, some other stuff or kill other players or you can force them to dance.
2. Is this method save? (To not get banned?)
3. Which systems are supported?
Every system that can run ArmaII and CheatEngine.
4. I have Arma 2, but no Dayz, does scripting works without DayZ ?
5. My English can sometimes be really bad?
Yes, im 16yrs & german, please forgive me.
The Tutorial:
What you need:
Cheat Engine 6.x - Cheat Engine
Script's – Write yourself one or take mine -
What you need to do:
1. Installing Cheat Engine.
2. The folder "Myscripts" and the file "Dies in Cheatengine.txt" from Unpacking into the Arma 2 OA Maindirectory
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead
3. Start Arma 2 OA
4. Stay in the Menu & start the Cheat Engine.
5.This part you must repeat after every restart from Arma ll, if you dont do that you cannot start a Script.
(At the Cheat Engine) Upsite left you need to click at the flashing icon and then choose the arma2oa.exe then click "Open".
Then at "ValueType" you need to choose "String".
Then at the value textbar you need to put in this code:
private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";
After it you get on the left a searching result, doubleclick on it.
The result switched now down, doubleclick on it at the Value line
Now a window opened with a code, remove the code and replace it with this code:
_abox = "AmmoBoxBig" createVehicle (position player); [_abox] execVM "\MyScripts\cargo.sqf";
Then upsite left click on "File" an then choose "Save".
Save it on your "My Documents" Folder with the name "Dorp.
Example: C:\Users\#User#\Documents\dorp.ct
When you saved it close the Cheat Engine.
6. Now back into the Arma ll OA Main Directory into the Folder "Myscripts".
Now you find some files. The names likes "cargo, cardodance, cargoiwas"
The file "cargo" is currently the script for the Ammobox where all weapons are inside.
[B]Always the file which is named "cargo" will be cheatet/scripted. So if you change the name from the current named file "cargo" into "cargobox" and change the name from "cargolife" into "cargo" then will not the Ammobox cheated but the Godmode.[B]
Its really simple and you can do it while playing Arma ll.
Here are the current names from the Scripts with their features:
"Cargo" is currently the ammobox.
"Cargodance" is currently a dancescript which will force you to dance.
"Cargoheli" is currently a JEEP, yes i know i named it wrong :laugh:
"Cargoiwas" is currently the HELICOPTER.
"Cargolife" is currently the Godmode.
"Cargomarker" is currently the map ESP. (It let you see all players, tents, vehicles on the map)
"Cargotele" is currently a teleportscript which teleports all players to you. (A war will begin )
"Cargotest" is currently a vehiclescript which spawns the AH10 (Jet), but it will not be spawn in DayZ
"Cargoweapon" is a experiment at the Ammobox... you can delete it
7. Find a Online Server at Arma ll and join.
If you are in the game press "M" (Map open) and then click on "Server Control" (Upside left). (If "Servercontrol" are not given press one time on "Players" or something and then "Servercontrol" will be see.
Then close the Server Control and go back into the game and your Cheat are successful.
Some informations:
Some Servers got a special scriptsecure and will kick you out of the game when you inject a script, but will not ban you, so no trouble. Search for a server where it will be work.
Vehicles will be spawned 50m in the back of you in the current vehiclespawnscript.
At every script a box will be spawn which have no sense, i named this box magicbox, respect this box and destroy it after every cheat that nobody detect you as a cheater
The Godmode script blocks the Bandage wounds, Blood tranfusion and so on. So you can't help any other players with Godmode activated.
Editing scripts for beginners:
Spawn other vehicles, not the Heli or Jeep?
To spawn a other vehicle you need to open the vehiclespawnscript with a texteditor (I use the normal Editor).
Open it and find this line
_spawn =
Here is a list for you with Vehiclenames which can be used in DayZ:
Kill all players with the teleport script?
You can not just teleport players behind you, you can spawn them some metres in the air so that they die when they hit the ground
Open the teleportscript with editor and find this line:
_pos = [(_pos select 0)+10*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)-10*cos(_dir),0];
The aftermath: Dead
(You will NOT teleported, just other players)
Put more weapons and stuff in the ammobox?
You are mad! I think i put all weapons and stuff in the ammobox, so more you dont need
Other dances or playermoves?
You can change in the dancescript your moves and dances.
Open the dancescript with editor and then you will see this: